How often do you eat fast food? Which artery clogger is your favorite? How do you feel about an hour after ingesting? Do you feel like you could be the grand champion of a cookie toss?
I am so frustrated with our food industry, especially our fast food industry. Is it really necessary to add a bucket of salt and all the unhealthy fat imaginable into one crappy meal? I think not. Before I continue my rant, and list my top six fast food annoyances, let me tell you about what usually happens to me when I am food hijacked.
I am usually starving and stressed, and getting irritated because I am so hungry! I need something to eat now, and I don't have time to run home and make something. What's even more disturbing is I find myself sometimes wanting a greasy burger from the local artery clogger, aka burger joint. That in itself is just - wrong.
I fight the urge initially, and pass the burger joint hoping the urge will pass or I will come to my senses. But for some reason the force is too strong and I cave. I turn my blinker on, and turn. I have officially been food hijacked. The logic part of my brain has been apparently turned off temporarily.
As I pull (or the force pulls) my car into the parking lot of the local artery clogging, high sodium, saturated fat drive-up, complete with a cute college boy running to great me with a smile. I hope I will only order a water and plate of pickles and onions. Boy oh boy, wouldn't that just be a shocker for me and the college boy. I could deal with him thinking I was crazy and telling is his worker buddies what I just ordered. We both know why he is so attentive. He knows if given any time to think further about the crime I am about to commit against my own body I would whip my car into reverse, and high tail it out of there leaving him standing there staring at my back window with his order pad and pen in ready position. Instead I smile, wind down my window, and blurt, "one galley boy and small fries - please". Appalled, I roll back up my window, and think, I'm gonna regret this.
As my food arrives, the cute college boy hands me the bill reminding me that I am actually paying to clog my arteries. He smiles and then tells me how much I owe him. I pay, dearly.
I take my first bite, it's tastes really good. I feel the relief that food brings to the starving. I look at the tray hanging off my window, grab a fry, dip it in ketchup, and bite. Crunchy on the outside, tender on the inside and hot. Perfect! Then I think that can't be a small bag of fries. Now that my stomach is feeling content the logic part of my brain turns on, and takes over thank God! I am now completely annoyed with myself and our fast food industry.
Annoyance #1: Portion size. Why such large portions? To say it bluntly, it's gross for one, and embarrassing to think of all the food we waste. Do you know how many calories, grams of saturated fat and sodium are in one order? A lot!
Annoyance #2: All the calories, saturated fat and sodium. I swell up like a balloon. Why do they have to add butter and a salt lick to each serving? I know butter makes it better baby, but COME ON! A burger and fries don't have to be bad for you. Believe it or not you can make them with on the healthy side. I wouldn't tease you that would be just cruel.
Annoyance #3: Pricing. Fast food is ridiculously expensive. Why does it cost $5 dollars for ONE chicken breast sandwich? Why did it cost me $6.50 plus tip for my unhealthy lunch.
Annoyance #4: My town. My town is considered a college town so 90% of the restaurants are fast food. I don't get it, college kids only eat pizza, burgers, cheese sticks and tacos?
Annoyance #5: Fast food doesn't have to be unhealthy. See annoyance #2 again, you get the picture.
Annoyance #6: Why don't I ALWAYS practice what I preach and stay away, far, far away from fast food.
Please join me and demand better for yourself. Decrease your sugar, bad fat and stay away from hydrogenated anything.
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